claire was developed as part of my MSc in Information Security from Royal Holloway; and is not my girlfriend.
There are 3 main parts to this project the first is serverless application build with AWS Step Functions and Lambdas written in Python to respond to incidents on EC2 instances by
- Tagging the instance and capturing instance metadata
- Taking snapshots of attached volumes
- Provisions a volume to capture memory with avml
- Provisioning another instance to investigate the incident
- Uses the snapshots to create duplicate volumes to extract artifacts and generate a timeline with The Sleuth Kit
- Uses Volatility to perform memory analysis
All the evidence is saved to a S3 bucket.
There is a CLI written in Rust, to trigger the incident response process, manage the investigations, and can also invalidate instance credentials.
clear Removes the CLAIRE tags from investigated resources, clear the investigation but leave the
collected evidence
download Download investigation evidence to a local directory
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
investigate Starts an investigation into the given instance
isolate Remove existing security groups and apply restrictive security group
list List the investigations
manual Spin up an instance and attach snapshots of a suspicious instance so an investigation can be
continued manually.
purge Purge the investigation, removes evidence from S3, untags and deletes snapshots
revoke Revoke instance permissions and invalidate any tokens that may have been stolen.
status View the status of an investigation
token-expire Find the role assosciated with an instance profile and expire their tokens.
And finally there are the labs I used to test claire, this is an instance with Drupal 8.50 installed on it vulnerable to CVE-2018-7600 on port 80 and a open forward proxy on port 81 used to access the Instance MetaData Service. AWS GuardDuty can optionally be enabled which will detect these exploits and automatically run the incident response process.
You will need
- awscli
- Rust
- Terraform
- Packer
- jq
make install
will run packer to create the investigating instance AMI and then run terraform in tf/claire to setup the infrastructure for claire.
claire comes with Volaility profiles for the lab machine, Ubuntu 18.04
if additional profiles are required these should be created in the profiles directory before make install
is run, or run packer again to update the AMI.
make install-labs
will run packer to create the vulnerabele instnace AMI and then run the terraform in tf/labs to create the labs.
Should go without saying, be careful running the labs, there is a security group created that will only allow access from your IP, but still the instance is vulnerable to drive-by comprimise.
Take care, have fun :)